Table 1 Approaches to the definition of the concept of "Human Capital" 


The sense of the approach 


Approaches to the Cheka from the point of view of the education received by it, the 
accumulated experience, talents and qualities, developed abilities, which he can and should 
use in the production process 
E. Fisher 

The HC is a measure embodied in a person's way. 
income. It includes inborn abilities and talent, as well 
as the and acquired qualifications 

The Nature of Capital and 
Income, 1906 

G. Bekker 

HC is a set of skills, knowledge and skills of a person. 
As investments in them it is necessary to take into 
account mainly the costs of education. Training 

Human Capital, 1964 

E. Denison 

Classifying the factors of economic growth, he 
emphasized the importance of scientific and 
technological progress and the level of education of the 
working population of the country (the most important 
components of the HC) 

Analysis of US economic 
growth from 1929 to 1969, 
1974 Analysis of slow 
economic growth 
USA in the 70s, 1979 

U. Bouen 

The HC consists of the acquired knowledge, skills, 
motivations and energy that human beings are endowed 
with and that can be used for a certain period for the 
production of goods and services 

Investment in Learning, 1978 

E. Dolan, J. 

HC is capital in the form of mental abilities, obtained 
through formal training or education, or practical 

Market: microeconomic 
model, 1992 

Approaches to the Cheka of an investment character 
J. Kendrich 

The HC is formed at the expense of the expenses of the 
family and society on: 
- education of children before they reach working age 
and receive a certain specialty, 
-for retraining, upgrading of qualifications, 
-on labor migration, etc. 
The savings also included investments in the housing 
sector, household durable goods, household supplies, 
spending on research and development 

Economic growth and capital 
formation, 1976 
Total capital of the USA and 
its functioning, 1976 

S.А. Dyatlov The HC represents the pool of health, knowledge, 

skills, abilities, motivations that have been used as a 
result of investment and accumulated by a person and 
which are appropriately used in a particular sphere of 
social reproduction, contribute to the growth of 
producer- labor and production, and thereby affect the 
growth of the income of the person 

Fundamentals of the theory 
of human capital, 1994 The 
theory of human capital, 

Approaches to the Cheka from the perspective of its dominant role in production activities 
and economic development 
Т. Shults 

The HC is a productive factor, the main engine and the 
foundation of the industrial and postindustrial 
economies. The HC has the necessary characteristics 
driving character. It is able to accumulate and 

Human Capital in the Inter- 
national Encyclopedia of the 
Social Sciences, 1968 

L. Тopoy 

HC represents productive abilities, talents and 
knowledge. It is defined as a set of knowledge, 
abilities, skills and motivations that promote growth in 

Investment in Human Capi- 
tal, 1970 

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