
The sense of the approach 


labor productivity and income of individuals 

S. Кuznets 

The HC is the main dominant of the possible stable 
growth of national economies. The high level and 
quality of the accumulated HC is necessary for 
accelerated implementation of institutional reforms, 
state transformation, technological renewal of 
production, market transformation of the economy 

Economic Growth of Na- 
tions: Total Output and 
Production Structure, 1971 
Population, Capital and 
Growth, 1973 

M. Кritskyi The HC is based on the economic subject as a new 

force of social progress and intellectual activity 

Human capital, 1991 


HC is intellect, health, knowledge, quality and 
productive work and quality of life 

Russian human capital: the 
factor of development or 
degradation, 2005. Human 
capital and innovative 
Russian economy, 2012 

Mineeva, V.P. 

Cheka is a form of manifestation of man's productive 
forces at the post-industrial stage of the development of 
a society with a socially-oriented economy of a market 
type. As a multidimensional phenomenon, it is 
heterogeneous, has a complex internal structure in 
which relatively isolated elements can be distinguished. 

Characteristics of human 
capital types, 2009 

D.E. Аslanov The HC is the aggregate potential of health, knowledge, 

technological skills, abilities, labor and social 
motivations formed by means of investments in people 
and accumulated by the person himself, which, taken 
together, lead to an increase in the qualification of the 
employee, its productivity and qualities and, as a result, 
to the increase of the material and social status of the 
person and the formation of a new type economic 
development of society as a whole 

Human capital is the most 
important factor of economic 

Source: [1] 

It is necessary to mention that modern conditions the human capital should be 

understood as a set of qualities, skills, "funds" that allow a person (and human 
communities of different levels) to receive more income or to reproduce themselves as 
"reasonable matter", i.e. to increase for themselves the various usefulnesses of the 
material and social plan that ensure the existence of this "intelligent matter" in 
sufficient harmony with the environment of its life activity. 

Important is the fact that in modern interpretations the human capital is considered 

to be a number of productive factors of economic development, while not identifying 
it with intangible capital, human potential (HP) and human (labor) resources. 

 In particular, according to Yu. A. Korchagin, the human capital should not be 

limited to the framework of intangible capital, since its basis is "quite material, lively 
and educated people, plus their knowledge and intellect, professional people in their 
activities. In addition, it also includes all the material that directly contributes to the 
effective labor activity and high quality of life of these people ". Also, the human 
capital is not the same as the human potential. And here, among experts, there is a 

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