If you wish to organize your own scientific
conference, feel free to contact us.
conference, feel free to contact us.
How the SCIEMCEE system works from the viewpoint of a conference participant (academic staff, scientist, PhD student, etc.)
A SCIEMCEE science conference consists of four main phases, each of which is broken down into a number of steps:
I. Conference invitation
- The conference participant completes a form to register for a particular conference
- A conference account is set up for the conference participant (access codes)
II. a) Pre-conference - open phase
- After acquiring access to the conference the participant updates his or her data (contact details, title of article, uploads a photo, supplies the relevant files, etc.)
- The participant sends the conference article
II. b) Pre-conference - closed phase
- The conference formally checks the applications
- The conference articles are reviewed
III. Conference phase
- The conference participants read the selected texts
- They are given the opportunity to communicate, exchange findings, contacts (just like at a normal science conference)
IV. Post-conference phase
- The conference proceedings are prepared and distributed to the conference participants
- The scientific texts are made available in the conference library

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